MTAC Highlights


English MTAC Rep:
Science MTAC Rep:
History MTAC Rep:
Math MTAC Rep:
World Language/
Fine Arts MTAC Rep:
Physical Education MTAC Rep:
E.C. MTAC Rep:
Melissa Allen
Joe Johnston
Chaning Fuller
Bethany Thomson
Shari Yaroch
Sarah McLamb
Ricky Howard

Kristian Stewart
Nicole Corbett
Stephanie Rous
Megan Cox
Mr. Bass

Topics of Discussion to be addressed with teachers:

A. Returning technology carts: Carts must be returned no later than 2:45 PM EVERYDAY unless you have reserved the SAME cart in advance for the next day! NO EXCEPTIONS! Please do not assume you have the same cart without checking your reservations first.
Teachers may have a reliable student to return the cart at the end of 4th block. Carts 1-4 are stored across the hall from media center (back of the mailroom). The rest of the carts are in the media center office. We need time to check for problems, make sure all devices are being charged, etc. If not being returned until next day it is putting a time-crunch on next teacher using that cart. We are now tracking who is not returning the carts. If keeping the cart for the next day, the reservation must be already made to keep the cart for the next day. Devices should be in the correct slot when placed back in the cart.

B. Technology sharing: If you haven’t already subscribed to the following blogs, please go ahead and subscribe:

Encourage your department members to subscribe for important information and updates.

C. Powerschool Student Accounts: We still have students that have not claimed their account or unable to access their account. Please check with your students and let Mrs. Cox know by filling out the following form if they are unable to access their account AFTER claiming it. Please use the following link: Student Unable to Access PowerSchool Account  Link

D. Lunch, Laugh, and Learn: This great opportunity for students AND teachers. It will be hosted in the media center during both lunches. Our first session will be on April 29th on “Greenscreen”.  The next topic will be “GoAnimate”, date TBD. Digital learning team from county office will be coming with the equipment and students in the media center that day will get to try it out. Teachers are welcome to stop by too. GoAnimate must be the paid subscription to work now. The free version no longer works.

E. Project Ideas: The media center will be home to a green screen project corner next year. Teachers will be able to sign up for students to film projects using the Green Screen by Do Ink app on an iPad. Projects can be uploaded directly to a teacher’s youtube channel from the app. Project ideas will be presented through the hungrybookshelf blog when the equipment arrives.  Subscribe to the blog for ideas.

F. Database Information: The state has stopped the subscription to the Student Research Center database. Once the link on the research zone no longer works, the link will be removed. Explora is the new subscription database. 

G. Technology Resources Inventory: Mrs. Cox or her TA will be coming to your room to scan all technology resources beginning the week of April 18th. All teachers should have received an email of all items checked out in their name. Another notice will go out soon as a reminder. These items need to be returned to the media center if the teacher is no longer using them or the items need to be out and ready to be scanned the week of April 18th. Have the item out and not in a closet (document camera, wireless mouse, etc.) so it can be scanned if you are not ready to return it.

**The next meeting will be held in May. Please consult with your department representative for any concerns, questions or any considerations for any tech or media needs for next school year.


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