Sync GFiles to Sharp School Webpage

Syncing Google Files to the Sharp School Teacher Webpage

  1. Sign-in to your Google Drive
  2. Open the File you wish to sync to your teacher webpage.
  3. Click on File > Share

4.  Make sure you select “Anyone with the link can view” and COPY link.
5. Sign-in to your Sharp School Webpage
6. Staff Directory
7. Your teacher webpage
8. Go to your Document Container Page (or however you named it)
9. Click on Advanced > Switch to Design Mode
10. Under “Add New Item” drop down box, Select “link”
11. Type in the Name that you want to appear in the Document Container.
12. Paste the File Link
13. Click Add Link
Note: If you do not have a Document Container page, Go to your teacher Homepage> Page Properties> Add New Page> Document Container.
Also, you can organize your document container page by adding class folders by selecting in the “Add New Item” drop down and select “Folder”.

Any questions, please email me at


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