SchoolNet Sessons

Did you know that there are over 75,000 assessment items and 120,000 instructional materials available in Schoolnet?

Most RCD unit assessments are also available in Schoolnet so students can complete the assessment electronically and their grades will appear instantly in your gradebook.

Register today for one of our fall Schoolnet sessions to learn how to access and use these instructional resources with your students.

JCS Digital Learning Team is offering two sessions this fall:

Getting Started with Schoolnet:
Learn how to create assessments in Schoolnet and access over 100,000 vetted instructional materials aligned to North Carolina Essential and Common Core Standards. This session is intended for novice users and will cover the basics of designing and sharing assessments. This session is specifically for core content area teachers in grades 3-12.

Dig Deeper with Schoolnet:
Have you given an assessment in Schoolnet and wondered...ok what now? Join us in this session to dig deeper into the data analysis and reports available in Schoolnet. Learn about the new co-authoring feature to drive your PLC to the next level in creating common assessments and data analysis. This session is for users who have a basic understanding of creating assessments in Schoolnet and have given at least two assessments this semester to their students.

Register Today in My Learning Plan!


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