Social Media Guidelines Revised 11/6/2013

Important things to remember for Faculty & Staff:
These social media guidelines have been created as a resource for you with the hope that you will be encouraged to participate in online social activities. It is important to create an atmosphere of trust and individual accountability, keeping in mind that information produced by JCS employees is a reflection on the entire district and is subject to the Johnston County Schools’ Board Policy 5175: Employee Use of Social Media and Johnston County Schools’ Board Policy 5220-R: Employee Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources (Johnston County Schools Employee Technology and Digital Citizenship Agreement). By accessing, creating or contributing to any blogs, wikis, podcasts or other social media for classroom or district use, you agree to abide by these guidelines. Please read them carefully before participating in any social media application.
As a reminder, specific advanced approval must be obtained prior to implementing social media for legitimate instructional purposes. All requests for use of social media for instructional purposes must be submitted on the Social Media Request Form to the district Technology Committee and must follow the guidelines as listed in Board Policy 5175. **If you choose to use social media as a school entity for COMMUNICATION purposes, your principal will grant or deny permission; do not fill out this form. (A school entity refers to a club or a group, not an individual teacher.) If you choose to use social media not under the direct control and maintenance of Johnston County Schools for INSTRUCTIONAL purposes, please fill out and submit this form. Your request will be reviewed by the JCS Technology Advisory Council, and you will be informed as to whether or not your request has been approved. Anything, on is JCS sponsored plus YouTube. 

What is Social Media?
Social Media is online user-created content designed in a collaborative environment where users share
opinions, knowledge, and information with each other.
Tools include, but are not limited to:
• Blogs (Blogger, WordPress, etc.)
• Wikis (Wikispaces, PBworks, etc.)
• Social Networking sites (Facebook, Ning, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc.)
• Photo and Video Sharing sites (YouTube, Flickr, etc.)
• Social Bookmarking (Diigo, Delicious)
• Podcasting and Vodcasting

Personal Responsibility
• Engaging in personal social-networking friendships on MySpace, Facebook or other social networking sites is prohibited with students, and strongly discouraged with parents or guardians of students. The District recognizes that because of the tight-knit community of JCS, many staff members may have students or parents of students that are family members or close personal friends. However, the District cautions staff members against engaging in such social-networking friendships with these individuals. Use your official, school- or work-related page(s) instead.
A recommendation for staff to respond to “friend” requests on their personal pages is:

If you are a student or parent requesting to be my “friend,” please do not be surprised or offended if I ignore your request. As an employee of Johnston County Schools, District procedures and practices discourage me from “friending” students or parents on my personal pages. I would encourage you to friend our school’s (and/or classroom’s, department’s, the Johnston County Schools’) Facebook pages, etc.


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