FLUBAROO Autograding in Google!

Flubaroo is one of my all-time favorite Google Sheets Add-ons. It allows your quizzes created using Google Forms to be graded automatically. To use autograding in Flubaroo you still have to set an answer key and grade at least one submission before autograding will work within Google Sheets.

Here is my shortcut version:
Google classroom simply hosts links to the resources that you want the students to access. 
All you need to do to make this work is.....
1. Create the quiz in Forms.
2. Open a Google Sheet -> Go to Add Ons -> Get Add Ons -> Install FLUBAROO
3. Take the quiz you made in Forms and get all of the answers correct.
4. Open the sheet that has the answers for the quiz. Go to Add ons -> Flubaroo -> Advanced -> Enable Autograde. Select your answers as the Key (Just like if you were using a scantron)
5. in Google Classroom, create an assignment and add the link to the form with the quiz by viewing the the Quiz in LIVE Mode and copy THAT link. 
Now when students take the quiz and Forms sends it to Sheets, it will be autograded. Check the tables at the bottom of the sheet. There will be a second one with item analysis. 

Sharing “Quiz”

Click on Send Form to email students the link to the quiz OR Go to Google Classroom and create a new assignment and add the quiz as a link. (Remember to view live form and copy that link)

Username: Don't forget to click on “Automatically collect r
espondent’s Johnston County Schools”.


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