IT Request Guide

Quick Step Guide for IT Requesters

  • Open your Internet Browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc), type in in the address bar, and press Enter or click on Go.

    • Refer below if you are a first time user or if asked to enter an Organization Account Number.

  • If prompted, enter the Organization Account number (252107268) and click Submit Organization.

You may also copy this link and paste it into the web address bar of your browser:

  • Log into the system by entering your full email address:

  • If this is your first time submitting a request, you will be prompted to enter your Last Name and then First Name before being logged in.

  • Make sure you are on the “IT Request” tab.  If not, simply click on this tab to access the IT request form.

  • Fill out each step of the request form.  Any field marked with a red check box is required.  Other fields are optional.

Step 1: This will be filled in with your information from the email address you entered at the sign in screen.

Step 2: Make sure you are on the IT Request Tab. Click on the drop down arrow and highlight a Location that you want the work to be done at and click the mouse. Follow the same steps for Building and Area (*if selections are available). Also be sure to type in your Area description or Room #.

Step 3: Select the “Problem Type” that best describes your request/issue.

Step 4: Type in your description of the problem.

  • Depending on how the account was setup, the remaining steps may vary.  Fill then out to the best of your ability making sure you at least fill in the required fields indicated with a red check box.

  • Type in the submittal password of: password

  • Click submit

  • After you click submit, the screen will refresh and go to the My Request Tab.  You can access the “My Requests” section at anytime by entering this site with your email address.  On this screen you will see up to date information on your requests including the status, work order number and action taken notes. You can click on the number next the to status description to see all request marked with that status. You can search for any work order request by typing in a key word in the Search box and clicking on GO. This will pull up any of your requests with that word in it.

  • Click on the IT Request Tab to input a new request if desired.


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