
Showing posts from October, 2013


NASA Space Math  (Resource from Pamela Bathelor, JCS IT Coach) Today, we are exploring a wonderful FREE STEM resource: the Space Math website from NASA To get started, visit:  http://spacemath.gsfc. You will start at the homepage which looks like this: This website features math based problems in science and engineering for grade levels 3-12. Problems can be viewed by grade level, subject type, problem books, or in comprehensive STEM Modules. Let's look at the Problem Books: By clicking on the books tab, we are taken to the collection of problem books available. These books are grouped by release date and subject area. The books are in PDF format and have lesson ideas as well as teacher answer keys with detailed answers for each problem. Here is what a sample problem looks like: A great way to use the problems in PDF format would be to share the problem pages with students using their Google Drive or have the students sol...

A message from the CHHS Administration

Click HERE to Watch a message from the administration team! 

Save YouTube Videos

Save YouTube Videos KeepVid.  This is likely the easiest way to grab just about any video from the Web. Copy the URL of the video you want to download, head to , and paste it in the white space bar on the page. Then click "Download" to the RIGHT of that bar .  Do not click the large green/grey or blue/red "Download" buttons as it is an advertisement. It will load for a few seconds, then you'll have the option to download the video in FLV (Flash), MP4, or WebM format. If you don't know which one to pick, go with MP4, as it has the greatest compatibility and can be viewed on a smart phone. 

Create a Linked Series of YouTube Videos

SchoolNet Training

Home Base SchoolNet Training Teachers, please sign-up in MyLearning Plan for the Home Base SchoolNet Training on December 3rd or 10th from 3:30-5:00 here at CHHS in the distance learning lab.  Schoolnet is the Instructional Improvement System in Home Base. This is where teachers, parents, and students can access data and resources to inform decision making related to instruction and assessment. Home Base is including items from Thinkfinity, Khan, SAS, Pearson Next Gen, PBS, as well as other vendors. Of major interest to some teachers, ClassScape items will now live in Home Base. The hands-on portion of this professional development opportunity will include built-in time to create a formative assessment useful to the teacher. Teachers are highly encouraged to bring material/content to aid in the assessment creation. Please contact Kathy Price if you have any questions.

Free Science Apps

Free Science Apps  Check out some FREE iPad Interactive Science Apps!  Click Here to Explore

D.L. PLC Schedule and More

Don't let this be you! Explore  CHHS Digital Learning PLC by Department during Smart Lunch Monthly Schedule:  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Week 1 A: Science A: Social Studies Week 2 B: E.C. 303 A: Math Week 3 A: CTE A: PE Week 4 B: English A: Fine Arts/Language November: Google Docs December/January: School Center & Web 2.0 Tools Automatically Close Google Forms at a Specified Time:  Google Forms can be very useful for collecting all kinds of information from students and others. Two of the more common uses of Google Forms in schools are creating quizzes and conducting surveys ( click here  for a guide to creating quizzes in Google Forms). In both of those cases you may have a need to limit the number of responses, limit the length of responses, or set a cut-off time at which the form will stop accepting responses. While you can simply click "stop accepting responses" in your Google Form, you do have to remembe...

Technology Showcase, Open Ed, + more

JCS Technology Showcase The Technology Showcase is an opportunity for students and instructors to demonstrate curriculum-based technology projects developed by students across the district.  Our parents, teachers, administrators, legislators, community, and higher education representatives will be able to interact with student-created products and tools to discover how instructional technology impacts learning. We will have door prizes for teachers that attend this event which includes a chance to win a set of 5 Chromebooks for their class! Mr. Nixon's Pirate-TV class will be representing CHHS this year. We hope you will be able to join us. Google Chrome Browser Chrome is updating from version 26 to version 29 on all AD workstations around the county. The upgrade uninstalls the current version and then installs the new version after a restart. So, what does that mean? Well, if you are working in Chrome and it unexpectedly shuts down. It's okay. Restart and it w...

Welcome to The Pirate D.L. Blog

Welcome to The Pirate D.L. Blog! We have lots of Digital Learning information to share with you and we plan to share it via this blog. Please take a minute now to subscribe to our weekly blog by entering your email address in the box labeled Follow by Email located in the right column.