
Showing posts from 2018

Security Awareness

Security Awareness  - End users are the most likely target for malware attacks!  More than 90% of ransomware attacks are delivered via these types of email messages. If a staff member open up harmful emails they will be prompted to complete a very brief (5 minutes or less) defense education training module.   The purpose of this service is to enable automated defense education for harmful emails and other types of cyber attacks.

SchoolNet Accomodations

Go to the following site to setup SchoolNet Accommodations:

Google Forms Update

Google Forms has long been a go-to tool for teachers to create surveys and give quizzes online. Today,  Google announced  six new features that are going to make Google Forms better than ever. Like most updates to G Suite, these features will be rolled out gradually so if you don't see them today, you will see them soon. Answer Suggestions This isn't what you think. Google Forms isn't going to give students answer suggestions, it's going to give you answer suggestions when you're creating a quiz. For example, if I'm writing a quiz about state capitals, Google Forms will suggest the correct answers as well as some incorrect answers to use in a multiple choice quiz.  Image courtesy of Google for Education Trusted Product Advisors. Automatically Grade Grid Questions Automatic grading of multiple choice and short answer questions has been an option for almost two years. Now that option is expanding to grid response questions. You'll be able to use ...